{ Our Vision, Mission and Values }
Our vision is to give African communities the right support to become self-sufficient and thrive.
Our mission is to create sustainable initiatives that benefit whole communities within rural Africa.
Through our values we show courage, integrity, transparency and innovation. With this, we commit to withdraw from the communities we help once our foundations have been made and securely embedded, to continue our work in another village.
Our Guiding Principles:
- We undertake to be open, honest and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with, and with each other.
- We will respect and actively encourage human rights and freedom for all.
- We will seek to implement kind solutions, which do not have a detrimental impact on any community members or on the environment.
- We will ensure our interventions are sustainable and empowering so dependency does not develop.
- We will be democratic, politically non-partisan and non- sectarian in our work.
- The positions we take will be based on sound, objective and professional analysis and high standards of research.
- We will provide accurate and timely reports of our activities to our stakeholders.