{ Your Legacy }

Legacy giving isn’t a topic we like to dwell on, but you can change someone’s life after your death by leaving a gift to Challenge Africa in your will.  If you share our belief that, with a small hand up, all African communities can become self sufficient and thrive, then make this your lasting legacy.  

If you would like to leave Challenge Africa a gift as part of your legacy, decide how much you wish to leave and ask your solicitor to include this in your Will.

If you have already made a Will, but now wish to include a gift to Challenge Africa, this can be done quite easily by way of a codicil, which your solicitor will draw up on your behalf.

Remembering a charity in your will can help reduce the amount of inheritance tax which is paid from your estate.

There are three main types of legacy – residuary, pecuniary and specific

  • A residuary legacy is the percentage or remainder of your estate after other gifts and expenses have been deducted
  • A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a specified amount of money
  • A specific legacy is a specific item such as property, jewellery, shares etc

If you do not have the cash during your lifetime and need to ensure that relatives or friends are provided for then there is a way to achieve both aims. Your solicitor can explain how to leave the income or benefit from your estate as a lifetime gift and then, on their death, the remainder can be passed to Challenge Africa. If you do decide to leave a gift in your will to Challenge Africa then it is important that you give your solicitor our correct details to draw up your Will. Here are examples covering two different types of legacy:


I give to Challenge Africa, UK Charity Number 1121563, Challenge Africa Office, 10 Russell Grove, Westbury Park Bristol BS6 7UE the residue (percentage or share) of my Estate and I direct that the receipt of the Finance Manager or other authorised person of Challenge Africa shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Pecuniary or Specific

I give to Challenge Africa, UK Charity Number 1121563, Challenge Africa Office, 10 Russell Grove, Westbury Park Bristol BS6 7UE the sum of £…….. (or write in here the item you wish to give) and I direct the receipt of the Finance Manager or other authorised person of Challenge Africa shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Please note that if you wish your gift to go to a specific project or area of our work then you should state this in your will. We will then ensure it is allocated to the correct fund.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss leaving Challenge Africa a gift in your will.